Amazing Comic Con enters our 3th year in Hawaii with best guest of comic creators and pop culture personalities in the West. The event takes place at the Hawaii Convention Center on August 25-26-27, and tickets are on sale starting today, March 30 at 10am HST.

As a special bonus our partners at IDW and #TeamEastman have a special incentive for the early ticket buyers. We are giving away a FREE VARIANT of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURLTES #50! This is a key issue for any fan of TMNT, or Pop Culture, and can be signed by artist, creator KEVIN EASTMAN during his appearance at Amazing Hawaii Comic Con.
TMNT #50 Variant is *FREE* to first 250 people purchasing Single Day tickets, Full 3Day Admissions, and VIP Packages.
Discounted military Single Day, 3Day, and ORIGINAL VIP package tickets will be on sale in the coming weeks at ITT locations across Hawaii. All other VIP and ULTIMATE FAN packages can be purchased on our eventbrite site.
AMAZING COMIC CON is Hawaii’s premiere pop culture event, taking place August 25-26-27, 2017. The event returns to the Hawaii Convention Center bigger than ever before with the very best creators and pop personalities in the world, with local favorites from the Hawaii Community, extensive programming, an International Artist Alley, and the Wizards of Cosplay.
Kids 10 and Under are ALWAYS FREE at Amazing Comic Con!